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What is the Equality Act?

TheEqualityActwould provide national, consistent non-discrimination protections for LGBTQ+ people in all aspects of life, including housing, credit, education, federally funded pro grams, public spaces, and jury service. It would amend current civil right laws to explicitly prohibit discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community and strengthen non-discrimination protections for women and other minorities.

Why do we need it?

Despite improved federal laws, discrimination continues to be a problem for LGBTQ+ people across the country. Nearly two-thirds of LGBTQ+ Americans report having experienced discrimination in their everyday lives. In 27 states, LGBTQ+ people are at risk of being fired, refused housing, denied a home loan, or being turned away from a business simply because of who they are.

How will this affect my LGBTQ+ community center?

Community centers serve 58,300 people every week. Many operate in areas where there are no other LGBTQ+ resources and work with a limited staff and budget. Community centers are facing tough financial challenges and working to meet increasing needs as the COVID-19 crisis continues. With federal protections in place, community centers will have more capacity to provide outreach, education, and programming to those they serve.

What can I do to help get it passed?

Write your senators and tell them as a constituent, you support the Equality Act and urge them to do the same.
