When a business opens its doors to the public, it should be open to everyone, period. The U.S. Supreme Court on June 30, 2023, issued a ruling granting a narrow exemption from nondiscrimination law to a Colorado website design business allowing them to deny services to same-sex couples. Denying service to anyone because of who they are and who they love is abhorrent. As a nation we continue to wrestle with historic and current dynamics of systemic oppression and violent discrimination. We must actively reject the false notion that the marginalization of LGBTQIA2S+ people is constitutionally permissible. 

Transfamilies of Santa Cruz County, Pajaro Valley Pride, The Diversity Center, The Lionel Cantú Queer Resource Center, Santa Cruz Pride and Queer Youth Task Force of Santa Cruz County would like to continue to establish partnerships with local businesses, organizations and educational institutions that are committed to inclusivity and non-discrimination. We are committed to collaborating to develop community events, best practices, policies, and training programs that openly support LGBTQIA2S+ rights. Let us work together to ensure equality and equity for all.
