• The Diversity Center (map)
  • 1117 Soquel Avenue
  • Santa Cruz, CA, 95062
  • United States

In honor of Black History Month, and in light of the most recent tragedy of the violent attack toward our black queer sibling Jussie Smollett, The Diversity Center is putting together a healing circle for our Queer & Trans People of Color community members. Please join us to show our solidarity with the black queer community. 

This event will center the stories of our black queer siblings to provide a space for healing, self-care, and an open discussion to share stories. We will be showcasing black queer media, create a listening circle, and share self-care tips with each other. We will end the night by practicing some of these self care tips to collectively start our own healing processes.  

We hope to see our beloved QTPOC community to simply be with each other's presence, to laugh or cry, or heal in any means necessary.

*Note: this is a closed QTPOC event.

Please contact MK Veniegas at operations.assistant@diversitycenter.org for any questions, concerns, or comments or call (831) 425-5422.

Event or Organization's Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/554031998440720/?notif_t=plan_user_joined&notif_id=1549224014084498
